Linus Benedicst Torvalds was born in 1969. He was an American from Finland,
a software engineer who was also the creator of the Linux kernel which is also the kernel for GNU Linux operating systems (distributions)and other operating systems such as Android and Chrome OS.

Torvald went to the University of Helsinki and received his doctorate in computer science.His interest in computers began with the VIC-20, when he was 11 years old in 1981.
After that he bought a Sinclair QL on which he modified the system because it was not possible to find the software then in Finland.

Linus wrote his assembler and editor (in addition to PacMan graphic libraries) for QL. He also wrote a couple more games for QL.
He wrote a PacMan clone called Cool Man on January 5, 1991,he bought an INTEL 80386 clone of an IBM PC before receiving his MINIX copy, which allowed him to start working on Linux.The first prototype of Linux was released in 1991. Version 1.0 was released on March 14, 1994.

Torvalds described himself as a religious atheist.In 2010, he became an American citizen and a registered political voter. As for American politics,
he said, “I have too much personal pride to want to be associated with any of them.”

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