Retro people

Linus Torvalds

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Linus Benedicst Torvalds was born in 1969. He was an American from Finland,a software engineer who was also the creator of the Linux kernel which is also the kernel for GNU Linux […]


Retro people

Raynold B. Johnson

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Reynold B. Johnson was born in 1906. He was an American inventor and computer pioneer.He was long employed at IBM. He was called the father of hard drives. Also his invented and […]


Retro people

Gary Arlen Kildall

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Gary Arlen Kildall was born in 1942. He was an American computer scientist and microcomputer entrepreneur.He created the CP / M operating system and founded Digital Research Inc. Kildall was one of […]


Retro people

Konrad Zuse

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Konrad Zuse was born in 1910. He was a German civil engineer, a pioneer of computer science, an inventor and a businessman.His greatest discovery was the programmed computer. The functional controlled program […]


Retro people

John George Kemeny

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John George Kemeny was born in 1926 and died in 1992. Born in Hungary, he was an American mathematician, computer scientist and educator.He is best known for being one of the two […]


Retro people

Matthew Smith

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Matthew Smith is a British computer game developer. He was born in 1966. He is best known for his creation of Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy for ZX Spectrum.The game was […]


Retro people

Clive Sinclair

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Sir Clive Marles Sinclair was born on July 30, 1940. He was an English researcher and inventor.He formed the company “Sinclair Radionics” in 1961. which produced the first thin electronic calculator in […]


Retro games

Froggism, 100 variations for the game Frogger

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The game was made back in 1981 and released to the public under the konami company.When the game war first made, the original name was “Highway crossing frog”, after which it was […]



Urgent information from Sinclair

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Regardless of the fact that this information is old, it does not write the date for how long the replacement lasts, so you can drive yourself crazy and go back if you […]


Retro hardware

ZX printer

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Designed exclusively for use with the Sinclair ZX range of computers , the printer offers ZX Spectrum owners the fullASCll character set including lowercase characters and high-resolution graphics.A special feature is COPY […]



How to fix when windows explorer is SLOW to create or delete folder names – windows 10

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If you use a computer often and work hard on it, it can sometimes slow down and even create folders extremely slowly, which can be very tiring. To solve this problem, do […]